This page gives some help for how to activate and use our invoice styles.
BUT SAY Invoice
There are two different layouts for the But Say Invoice, a suppressed version and non suppressed which shows the detail of the discount lines.
The default layout is the Non-Suppressed version. Should you wish to sue the Suppressed version, please contact the Wise Owl Legal HelpDesk.
Your But Say Invoice can be accessed when printing an Invoice using the 'But Say' layout.
Step 1: Create your invoice as normal via the 'New Invoice' function
Step 2: Enter a new line on your invoice to the Fee Earner/s you are discounting that has a quantity of 1 and a negative rate to bring your Invoice Total down to the amount you wish to bill the client for.
Step 3: Once you are happy with your Invoice, save and confirm it.
Step 4: Print the invoice using the But Say Invoice Layout from your drop down list. See Examples below for the Suppressed and Non-Suppressed versions.
Non-Suppressed But Say Invoice
Suppressed But Say Invoice Layout
Customer Memo Block Text Invoice