The recommended update process is detailed below. You should follow this unless directed otherwise by a Wise Owl Technician.
An update is published by Wise Owl.
Appliances automatically check for new updates each night. If a new version is found, it is automatically downloaded.
You can trigger the same update check on the About page on demand. This page can be accessed by scrolling to the bottom of the screen and clicking "About Wise Owl Legal" on the bottom left
Notifications will appear on Appliances indicating a new version is available.
You should click the About page and read the release notes for the update.
Based on the release notes, plan a time to install the update. You should allow a minimum of 30 minutes down time for minor updates and 1 hour for major updates.
Notify users of the update time and expected down time.
At the appropriate time, go to the About page and install the update.
You can only install updates when the Appliance has Internet access; updates will fail otherwise.
You will be required to follow a check list (similar to this one) before installation.
You will have to state your understanding of the risks of updating your Appliance.
Wait while the update is applied. Typically, this will take 10-15 minutes.
You will receive emails telling you the updater status. The appliance will display a maintenance page while updates are applied.
When the update completes, log back into your Appliance and test it works correctly.
You should test all day-to-day operations. Wise Owl recommends several contacts, matters and documents dedicated to testing purposes on any Appliance.
Notify users that the Appliance is available for use.
Questions and Answers
What is the difference between major and minor releases?