Release Notes for Version
Please read the following notes about this Wise Owl release carefully before installing it.
Fix for unable to save Matter
New Features
None in this release
Fix unable to save Matter if system setting to prevent a contact being a Client and Supplier was active. Fixed bug stopping the editing of matters
Fix occasional error where Web Connector says password is incorrect when it is not. Helps consultants with web connector errors
Fix time barometer at top of every page not tracking time. Shows time tracking in barometer on top of screen
Other Changes
Invoices, when posted to Reckon Accounts, are now marked as already printed. Removes the issues of having a long list of 'to print' in RAB when invoice printed from WOL
Improve some error messages when saving Matters Gives more information when an error is encountered in creating a matter
Reports changed:
Trust Stale Balance Report
Matter Change Log (beta)