Trust accounts must be reconciled to the last day of the calendar month, every month, within 15 14 business days of the last day of the month.
To reconcile select the trust icon (the red courthouse) from the top menu bar to get to the Trust Register.
From the Trust Register, select the 'Bank Rec' button.
The 1st trust bank reconciliation screen will appear. From here:
- Select the correct account to be reconciled
- Verify the opening balance on Wise Owl Legal agrees with the opening balance on the bank statement
- Enter the closing date and closing bank balance from the bank statement (as at the end of the month)
- Select Begin Reconciliation.
- NOTE: the external reference may be useful for recording the bank statement number
The bank reconciliation screen displays:
A transaction can be reconciled by clicking the transaction line or by hitting the space bar.
Transactions can be sorted by date, transaction, ref #, amount and cleared. Using a combination of 'sort by' filters can be most effective in the reconciliation process.
Whilst the default 'sort by' is date, sorting by date alone can be problematic as trust cheques are not usually written on the same day as they are presented to the bank. To overcome this it may be useful to 'sort by', Ref # or amount.
A summary screen is displayed at the bottom of the page, and shows all the amounts cleared. This summary highlights the amount of any variance.
A useful function is the the 'mark all' and 'unmark all' buttons. Please note that these buttons only apply to each specific type of transaction (e.g all payments, receipts or adjustments). Therefore to mark all items on the bank reconciliation, you will need to select 'Mark All' for all three categories. Further, reversals automatically remained ticked off against each other, even if the unmark all button is selected.
Each month there may be adjustments necessary. Select the adjustments button from the top of the bank reconciliation screen.
If applicable enter the transaction reference number, cheque or receipt number, to not only assist with matching up the adjustment next month, but also for the auditing process.
At any point the bank reconciliation can be closed by selecting the 'Back to Trust Register' button. All transactions are saved at this point, allowing the bank reconciliation to be later resumed at its current state.
Be sure to thoroughly check the bank reconciliation report before rolling to the next period. Before finalising the reconciliation check for:
An interim bank reconciliation report can be printed by opening up the in progress bank reconciliation, through Trust Accounting > Bank Rec > Continue Bank Reconciliation, then selecting the browsers print function: either by right clicking and selecting print or selecting print from the top menu bar.
This report will be displayed with an 'In Progress' watermark.
Once a bank reconciliation has been finalised a report can be run through the reports module > trust reports > end of month > trust bank reconciliation. Select the date of the bank reconciliation you wish to print.
Trust End of Month Reports