TIP: We suggest for your first attempt creating templates that you use some custom fields already set up by Wise Owl Legal.
1.1.1. Selecting and Downloading your Sample Fields
Custom Merge Field Formats are used to control what fields are shown. These are non-standard Word formats, and only apply to Wise Owl merges. The full field list is below, but common formats are listed here:
Code | Field | Example |
TFOL | Title FirstName OtherNames LastName | Mr Joe James Bloggs |
TFOLA | Title FirstName OtherNames LastName, Address | Mr Joe James Bloggs of 1 Bloggs St Bloggsville NSW 2000 |
TFLK | Title FirstName LastName (KnownAs) | Mr Joe Bloggs (JB) |
LF | LastName, FirstName | Bloggs, Joe |
LTFA | LastName, Title Firstname of Address | Bloggs, Mr Joe of 1 Bloggs St Bloggsville NSW 2000 |
Any contact designated as a company will use the CompanyName field in place of name fields.
Code | Field |
Fn | FirstName |
Ln | LastName |
On | OtherNames |
Cn | CompanyName |
Ti | Title |
Ka | KnownAs |
Bn | BillingName |
Ta | TradingAs |
Lg | LegalName |
Ad | Address (formatted one line) |
A1 | Address (simple) |
ABOVE can only be used as a single field |
BELOW can be mixed |
T | Title |
F | FirstName |
O | OtherNames |
L | LastName |
K | (KnownAs) |
A | Address (formatted one line) |
Doc fields
Fields starting with Doc reference the details of the document as it is merged. This lets you merge the document owner, creator or author.