Appliance wide settings for legal practices. Covers Firm, Matters, Time Billings, Budge, General and Licensing.
Difference between settings and tools?!
To access appliance settings select the settings icon, the grey cog, from the top menu bar. From the settings screen, select 'Appliance Settings'.
The Director's Name will need to be the legal practice director name as nominated by the Queensland Law Society for Queensland firms and follow the law society conventions for other states.
The Firm Name is what will appear appear on all stationary, receipts and tax invoices.
It is strongly recommended that careful consideration is taken before adding in jurisdictions. If they are not going to align with the commonly accepted legal jurisdiction then the firm may encounter issues that on.
Trust Accounting
In Trust Accounting there are a few of the error messages that can be customised to suit individual firms. They can be particularly polite or if the firm has problems with staff not listening then the message can be customised to this audience.
'Can Backdate Trust Receipts' is an important feature and should only be used during the set up of the firm. We strongly recommend that once the set up is complete that the settings are changed so that trust receipts cannot be backdated.
talk about ref numbers
Users And Access Rights
Product Version