It is strongly recommended that careful consideration is taken before adding in jurisdictions. If they are not going to align with the commonly accepted legal jurisdiction then the firm may encounter issues that on.
In order to keep the firm's productivity to a maximum, Wise Owl Legal has a handy tool for monitoring billable hours.
This can be set firm wide, or per user.
Hours Per Day is the normal working hours.
Productive Rate is the percentage of the working day that is spent on billable work.
As the settings are altered, the Monthly Budget and Annual Budget calculations automatically update. This can be useful in determining the Productive Rate.
In the time drop down the firm can nominate how many minutes per unit.
If the firm chooses to change these terminologies they will apply Wise Owl wide.
Trust Accounting
In Manage Chart of Accounts, a list of all the current trust accounts and their balances is available. New Accounts can be created from this page.
In Trust Accounting there are a few of the error messages that can be customised to suit individual firms. They can be particularly polite or if the firm has problems with staff not listening then the message can be customised to this audience.
Each user has a number of roles assigned to them, determining their level of access. These roles can be changed at any time depending on the specific circumstances of the firm.
Product Version