Name | Template | Description | Examples |
Auto Increment | {auto [ :nZeros]} | An auto increment number. Each time someone creates a contact, the number is increased by one. Note that numbers are generated when a contact is saved, not when you open the new contact page. You can optionally specify the number of leading 0's, which defaults to 4. This number will roll over if you have checked Reset Contact Auto-Number on Rollover and also have a calendar year part to your template. If your auto number increases beyond 10,000, leading zeros will no longer be added, instead the number will expand. Only one auto number may be used in the template. | {auto} => 1000 {auto:5} => 01000 {auto} => 12345 |
Calendar Year | {calYr[:2|4]} | The current calendar year when the Contact is created. By default this results in a 2 digit year, but you can override it to show a 4 digit year. A calendar year ends on the 31st of December. The first contact in a new year will reset the auto increment number if you have Reset Contact Auto-Number on Rollover checked. | {calYr} => 13 {calYr:4} => 2013 |
Year Ending | {YrEnd:shortMonth[:2|4]} | This is the same as the Calendar Year except you can specify the month the year ends in. This allows you to roll over a year at the end of June rather than December. Again, you can ask for a 4 digit year. You specify the month in 3 letters. Specifying Dec as the month yields identical behaviour to Calendar Year. | {yrEnd:Jun} => 13 {yrEnd:Apr:4} => 2013 |
Anything Without Brackets | Anything not enclosed in a pair of parenthesis is copied exactly as is. | C => C A-1 => A-1 |