More help about feedback requests
Feedback is moderated by Wise Owl Legal staff. Your feedback may be edited or held privately depending on many factors:
- You have requested the feedback be kept private. We will respect your privacy.
- Other users may have already requested your feature. Your feedback will be added as a vote against the existing request.
- Your new feature may be too specific. Only features of benefit to many Wise Owl Legal users are accepted. An add-on / plug-in system is under development.
- Your new feature may be out of scope. Only features of benefit to people in the legal industry are accepted. We may recommend a 3rd party product instead.
- Your feedback may contain private or sensitive information. It may be edited to remove such content or kept entirely private.
- Your feedback may be too vague. We may contact you to ask for more details or simply disregard your feedback.
- Your feedback may be unconstructive. Although we read all your feedback, general positive and negative feedback is not constructive on public forums. Offensive comments will be ignored entirely.
- Your feedback may be a bug or error. It will be redirected to our helpdesk. There may be a short delay while this happens.