- A simple auto-number.- 1000, 1001, 1002...
- A two part number with a hyphen between the parts.- 13-1000, 13-1001, 13-1002...
- The first contact created in January will reset the auto number part: 13-1234, 14-1000
- A leading C to indicate clients, year ending in Dec and a 4 digit auto number.C{yrEnd:Jun:4}-{auto:5}
- A leading C to indicate clients, 4 digit year ending in June and a 5 digit auto number.- C2013-01000, C2013-01001, C2013-01002...
- The first contact created in July will reset the auto number part: C2013-01234, C2014-00001.
Custom Fields Anchor Custom Fields Custom Fields
Custom Fields are fields that can be used to record additional information about a contact. There is some use available for the custom fields in module 1 (trust) and module 2 (finance), however custom fields will come into their own in conjunction with the documents module.