Appliance wide settings for legal practices. Covers Firm, Matters, Time Billings, Budge, General and Licensing.
- A simple auto-number.- 1000, 1001, 1002...
- A two part number with a hyphen between the parts.- 13-1000, 13-1001, 13-1002...
- The first contact created in January will reset the auto number part: 13-1234, 14-1000
- A leading C to indicate clients, year ending in Dec and a 4 digit auto number.C{yrEnd:Jun:4}-{auto:5}
- A leading C to indicate clients, 4 digit year ending in June and a 5 digit auto number.- C2013-01000, C2013-01001, C2013-01002...
- The first contact created in July will reset the auto number part: C2013-01234, C2014-00001.
Custom Fields Anchor Custom Fields Custom Fields
Custom Fields
Custom Fields are fields that can be used to record additional information about a contact. There is some use available for the custom fields in module 1 (trust) and module 2 (finance), however custom fields will come into their own in conjunction with the documents module
To edit these custom fields go to Settings -> Appliance Settings -> Contacts Tab -> Custom Fields.
By changing the labels in this section, the new contacts page will default to showing these customised fields under the 'Additional Details' tab. KEY?
The key should be the same as the label without spaces, this is an internal field name that is used to create document templates.
The custom fields can be useful for recording information which may be useful to your specific firm, or for specific matters.
The 'Appliance Settings' around matters are the things the firm wants to demand as their default.
'Manage Matter Types' allows users to view, edit, and add matter types.
In the time drop down menu the firm can nominate how many minutes per unit.
Firms have been known to use 1 minute units, 6 minute units, 10 minute units and 15 minute units. At Wise Owl Legal we strongly recommend using 6 minute units, unless there is a good reason to use otherwise. Whilst 6 minute units may seem confusing at first, once it is understood it is extremely practical.
Units | Minutes |
1 | 6 |
2 | 12 |
3 | 18 |
4 | 24 |
5 | 30 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 42 |
8 | 48 |
9 | 54 |
10 | 60 |