Zip all together
Field Mappings (Client)
The following fields are copied from a PC Law csv to Wise Owl Contact fields. Other fields, even if they contain data, are not copied.
As a Client can be listed against multiple Matters in a PC Law csv file, only the first is imported; subsequent matters referencing this client will not update the client details.
PC Law Field | Wise Owl Field | Required | Comments |
CLIENT | ContactNumber | Y | Must be unique in Wise Owl |
FIRST NAME | FirstName | Maybe | Either FIRST NAME and LASTNAME, or FIRM NAME must be present. If FIRST NAME and LAST NAME is present, the client is made an Individual in Wise Owl. |
LAST NAME | LastName | Maybe | Either FIRST NAME and LASTNAME, or FIRM NAME must be present. If FIRST NAME or LAST NAME is present, the client is made an Individual in Wise Owl. |
FIRM NAME | CompanyName | Maybe | Either FIRST NAME and LASTNAME, or FIRM NAME must be present. If FIRM NAME is present, the client is made a Company in Wise Owl. |
TITLE | Title | N | |
DISPLAY AS | KnownAs | N | |
ADDRESS LINE1 | HomeAddress -> StreetLine1 | N | |
ADDRESS LINE2 | HomeAddress -> StreetLine2 | N | |
CITY | HomeAddress -> Suburb | N | |
STATE | HomeAddress -> StateProvence | N | |
ZIP | HomeAddress -> PostcodeZip | N | |
BILLING ADDR_LINE1 | MailingAddress -> StreetLine1 | N | |
BILLING ADDR_LINE2 | MailingAddress -> StreetLine2 | N | |
BILLING CITY | MailingAddress -> Suburb | N | |
BILLING STATE | MailingAddress -> StateProvence | N | |
BILLING ZIP | MailingAddress -> PostcodeZip | N | |
BUSPHONE | WorkPhone | N | |
HOMEPHONE | HomePhone | N | |
OTHER PHONE | Unknown Phone | N | |
CELL | MobilePhone | N | |
FAX | Facsimile | N | |
E-MAIL | HomeEmail | N |
Field Mappings (Matter)
The following fields are copied from a PC Law csv to Wise Owl Matter fields. Other fields, even if they contain data, are not copied.