Financial Data Entry: someone who enters financial data. Can make basic disbursements and trust accounting entries but no reversals or variations.
Legal Data Entry: someone who enters legal data. Read and edit access to matters, documents and contacts.
Time Data Entry: someone who enters time data. Can make timesheet entries but no reversals or variations.
View Financial Data:
View Legal Data:
View Time Data:
Accountant: allows for access to all accounting functions (trust, disbursements and timesheets). Also has read only access to matters, documents and contacts.
Convenyancer: can do legal, financial and time data entry.
Director: allows wide-read only access, particularly to productivity reports.
Lawyer: can do legal, financial and time data entry.
Paralegal: can do legal, financial and time data entry.
Reception: can do legal and financial data entry.
Template Author: allow access to create and edit document templates.
Time Keeper: allow access to time based productivity reports.
Proxy Data Entry: someone who can enter data on another's behalf. Users are assigned who they may be proxy for in their settings. Requires another role to have access to any modules.
Senior Partner: a senior partner for the practice/firm.
After selecting a role a list of all the rights the user has access to can be seen by selecting the current rights tab under edit user.