Alternatively select the accounting and finance icon, orange bank notes, and select the first subsection; time billing.
The time sheet register is the one stop place for all things time related. All time entries can be searches from here using the search parameters, time records and fixed fees can be entered as well as your daily billings tracked.
The top right corner of the Time Sheet Register shows your hours billed for the day compared with your daily billable target.
In addition, in the top right hand menu bar there is a time bar which shows today's billable hours. As more hours are recorded the time bar increases and changes from red to yellow to green. Clicking the time bar from any Wise Owl Legal screen will take you to the time sheet register.
The Wise Owl wants to rewards you for your hard work, and as such when you reach your billable hours target for the day you are rewarded with The Wise Owl Gold Medal.
Enter Time Records
Before submitting time you must ensure that each time entry line has been approved, i.e. no missing fields or incorrect data. In order to do this ensure you tab through the fields until a green tick appears at the end of the line. If a line is entered and changes are made, remember to tab off that line. If a line has not been tabbed off the submit button will appear 'grayed' out.
Time entries can be edited after saving by selecting the time entry > opening it > selecting edit.
Enter Fixed Fees
As with all Wise Owl pick lists, hit the down arrow on the item box.