Release Notes for Version
Please read the following notes about this Wise Owl release carefully before installing it.
Fix browser caching issues, rounding issues. Add Clone invoice and Pinned Matter.
New Features
- Add list of report groups on report list page. The links at the top allow quick access to a group of reports on the reports page i.e. Finance, Trust etc
- Add On Behalf Of field to Trust Receipt. Now included on Trust Receipt report. Allows for Free Text typing in the On Behalf Of field on Trust Receipts rather than just allowing the primary client to be entered.
- Add Pinned Matter on Time Billing, Cost Recoveries and Disbursements. This feature allows you to pin a matter for quicker data entry. You can override the matter if necessary.
- Add Clone Invoice function. Gives the ability to create a copy of an invoice based on a previous invoice
- Change colour of warning on time billing data entry if the billing rate amount does not match the standard rate entered to bold blue. This colour brings attention to the Rate being used while entering time and if it is different to the current rates.
- Add text on helpesk page to indicate response times and severities. This gives an indication of how quickly the Help Desk will be able to respond to your query.
- Do not show an error message on Web Connector if just Notes are listed in Previous Activity; only shown for Warnings or Errors.
- Change the disbursement quantity field to be optional and default to 1 if not entered. This allows for quicker data entry and fills the quantity of disbursements to a default of 1 unless you override it.
- Add extra Create Invoice buttons on the new invoice page. The Create Invoice buttons are now easily accessible from anywhere on the Invoice Creation page.
- Add download to Excel function for audit logs. This allows us to drill down into actions taken by users to investigate any issues.
- Automatically enter the name of the Fixed Fee Item when entering fixed fees. Fills out the default Fixed Fee Item name into the description box when completing data entry for your convenience.
- Allow browser auto complete functionality for Trust Receipt Trust Payment Payee field - Chrome and Firefox browsers remember previous payees. This will give you a list of previously used names based on your data entry. This allows for quicker data entry.
- Allow keyboard shortcuts to be used on Trust Payment Payee field. This gives you the option to set Typing shortcuts to be used in the Trust Payment Payee field
- Minor updates and changes to reports Based on feedback from clients, we have updated the following reports accordingly.
- Client Ledger
- Trust Statement
- Trust Cash Receipts
- General Cheque
- Trust Cheque
- Invoice
- Pre-Bill