Release Notes for Version 3.8.0
Please read the following notes about this Wise Owl release carefully before installing it.
Mini-update for NSW Trust Accounting compliance.
New Features
Add File Type filter to Document Register.
Add Receipt / Adjustment Note filter to Receipt Register.
Allow sorting on Contact field on Invoice Register.
Added Document Preview to Template Register.
Added Ticked On Bank Deposit field for Form of Funds - to improve Trust Deposit Slips.
Add support to use a duplicate Trust Cheque number via confirmation.
Other Changes
Add button to Document Upload page to reset to defaults.
When setting Document Status to Final, the Reason field will auto-fill.
When making a User Inactive, it also makes the Invoice Professional Fees Item inactive.
Warning shown on Invoice Items that the User should be enabled / disabled rather than the Professional Fees Item.
Improve validation of ABN / ACN fields.
When importing from Doc Packs, errors now record which spreadsheet they are from.
Copy Matter Name to Abbreviated Name when Creating a New Matter.
Improve links between Matter Type and Doc Group.
Merged Matter Quick Search fields into one (previous had separate Matter and Contact fields).
Added hover text to Trust Receipt Received On date field, as per NSW Law Society request.
Fix crash when showing a Trust Transfer Reversal page.
Move Appliance Settings for EFT bank details to be next to Electronic Payment setting as these should be both activated together.
Trust Cash Receipts - add Transaction Date field
Trust Cash Payments - add EFT details and Signatories.
Trust Statement - add additional EFT and Receipt fields. Add additional details about Matter Transfers.
Trust Matter Transfer - add fields to show Reversal / Reversed transactions.
Add new End of Month Trust Trial Balance report which shows the reconciled Cashbook Balance, as per NSW Law Society requirement.
Bugs Fixed
Fix excessive whitespace on custom fields multi-line fields.
Fix excessive whitespace on Time Billing Notes fields on Firefox.
Fix error if changing a Document's Matter and a document with the name name exists for the new matter.
Fix validation error for New Document from Template and setting multiple templates / contacts.
Fix typing shortcuts were not working in some multiline text fields.
Fix error when importing a Doc Pack and spreadsheet tries to delete the Zip file.
Fix calculator fields were not triggering the "on change" event; which can cause data to be missed in some cases.
Fix Trust Transfer Signatory field is not required (it really is required).
Fix SAI searches do not work when multiple SAI Search Manager tabs are open.
Fix Pay Now Disbursements are not marked as paid as soon as posted. Can cause problems receipting money due to "unpaid" disbursements.
Fix potential error if you reset your password to blank or all spaces.
Fix minor bugs for Trust Transit Out.
Fix Doc Templates Select Fields page can give an error when generating sample data with an empty database, or if you enter a wrong matter number.
Fix bug when changing a Matter's Type and there are custom fields attached to a Doc Group.
Require a cheque number on Trust Payments; was previously allowing this and using the next automatic cheque number.
Fix Doc Template merge fields were case sensitive; should not matter whether you use all caps or not.
Fix a bug where a non-client contact against an Invoice prevented the invoice from posting to accounting system.
Manual Changes Required for Installation