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The Documents Module Diagram is especially useful for seeing all the parts that feed into and out of the Documents Module.


The Document Register is where the flow of any Documents held by your firm will be controlled from. It allows you to easily find documents, track the status and update as required.

You can create or upload new documents, search what is already in the system, change the status or open individual documents and much more from this screen.


 You can access the Documents Register by selecting the Blue book icon at the top of the screen.
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 To open a Document on the document register you can either:

  • click Click on the hyperlink attached to the name of the Document

  • by selecting ‘open’ from the drop down list clicking the ‘Open’ at the end of each document line.


Selecting the Document Number will take you to the Document Metadata page or the Document Details page where you can make changes to the document as required. You can also make changes to the document by using the drop down menu at the end of every document line.
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Open: This will open the document in the relevant program e.g. Microsoft Word
Download: Will download to your computer based on your browser download options
Rename: Gives you the option to Rename your document
Edit Metadata: Takes you to the Metadata (information about document) page for that document where you have more fields that you can edit.
Change Status: Allows you to change the status of the document e.g. draft to final etc
Save as Copy: Copies the document and allows you to name it
Unlock: This allows you to manually unlock a document that someone else is editing in word.  


NOTE: If someone else is editing the document, you do not want to unlock it. Instead, ask the other person to close the document so you can edit it. Unlocking is only to be used if Microsoft Word believes a document is open that is NOT open.

Delete: Deletes the document from the Wise Owl System.


What is my firm’s URL?

When you start using Wise Owl you will be given your very own URL to log into the product. Your URL will generally look like <Your firm>

Where can I see a list of available document templates?

We release documents to current subscribers based on their area however, if you would like additional documents released to your database, please let us know.

A full list of templates can be seen at


Win 7 \\<your firm URL>@SSL\docs

How do I turn on Documents 'Remember Me'?

If the Remember Me option is not showing up when you open a Word Document and you have to login everyday, please contact the HelpDesk. There is a security setting that will need to be allowed for your firm.


If you don't wish to have your login remembered, select the 'Don't Remember Me' option.


Additional Resources

Child pages (Children Display)

Documents Templates Available
