How to view a full list of matter types
From the top menu bar, select the tools and settings icon to the top right of page(the grey cog);
Select appliance settings;
Click manage matter types;
Wise Owl will create a list of all matter types available for your firm.
New matters can be added by selecting the new matter type button.
How to make a favourite matter type
Creating a favourite matter will ensure that your most used matter types are brought to the top of the drop down list when creating a new matter.
Follow the steps outlined above on 'How to view a full list of matter types'. Once From the list has been created you can manually click on matter type list select the matter type you want wish to favourite.
Change the sort order order to -1000 and save.
When creating a new matter, using the down arrow on the matter type will create the drop down menu with your favourite matters starred to the top of the list.