This document will contain the data that your matter did at the time you prepared the document.
Open your matter
Choose New Document
Type in File Cover and choose from the available list
Select Create Document
Click on the Document name to open the created file cover
You can edit the file cover, download or print it as required
Multimedia name QuickVid Create File Cover DOCS.mp4 width 1200 height 800
Reports Function
The report for the File Cover is available on the reports page and is also attached to the print button on the top of the page when you are in a matter.
To run this report, watch the short QuickVid below.
Open your matter
Click on the report icon on the top right of your screen
This report is basic and can only include the base information from the matter and not anything in the Custom Fields.
This report also cannot be edited when it is produced as it is a static report.
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