This page details the abbreviations used in Template Names in Wise Owl Legal. If you are searching for a template and cannot find it using its name, you may find the shorthand abbreviations useful in your search.
Original Word | Shorthand abbreviation |
Accompany | Accom |
Acknowledgement | Ack |
Acquisition | Acq |
Address |
Add | |
Administration | Admin |
Administrative | Admintve |
Affidavit | Aff |
Agreement | Agrmnt |
Alternative | Alt |
Annexure | Ann |
Application | Appn |
Appointment | Appmnt |
Apprehension | Apprn |
Arbitration | Arbtratn |
Assessment | Assmt |
Authorisation | Auth |
Authority | Auth |
Beneficiary | Benef |
Building | Bldg |
Business | Bus |
Capital | Cap |
Certificate | Cert |
Commercial | Comm |
Commitment | Commt |
Communication | Commn |
Compensation | Cmpnsatn |
Completion | Compl |
Condition | Cond |
Confidentiality | Confid |
Considerations | Consid |
Consolidated | Consol |
Contractors | Contrctrs |
Contractual | Ctrctl |
Conveyancing | Convey or Conv |
COVID-19 Pandemic | C-19 |
Criminal | Crim |
Damages | Dmges |
Declaration | Decl |
Defence | Def |
Disclosure | Discl |
Disqualification | Disqln |
District | Distct |
Document | Docu |
Due Diligence | Due Dil |
Electronic | E- |
Enforcement | Enfrcmnt |
Evidence | Evid |
Examination | Examtn |
Execution |
Exec | |
Extension | Extn |
General | Gen |
Independent Children’s Lawyer | IPL |
Information | Info |
Intention | Intn |
Interpleader | Interpldr |
Instructions | Insns |
Investigation | Invtgn |
Judgment | Judgt |
Letter | Ltr |
License | Lic |
Magistrates | Mags |
Meeting | Mtg |
New Zealand | NZ |
Objection | Objn |
Passport | Pass |
Payments | Pments |
Possession | Possn |
Precedent | Precdnt |
Probationary | Prob |
Procedure | Proc |
Property | Prop |
Prospective | Prosp |
Purchaser | Purch |
Received | Rcvd |
Recommendations | Recomdns |
Record | Rec |
Recovery | Rcovry |
Referral | Ref |
Regarding | Rgdg |
Register | Reg |
Registered | Regd |
Registrable | Regstrble |
Registrar | Regr |
Report | Rprt |
Representation | Repres |
Representative | Rep |
Resident | Res |
Request | Reqt |
Review | Rev |
Schedule | Sched |
Section | Sec |
Seller | Sel |
Service | Svc |
Settlement | Sttlmt |
Statement | Stmt |
Subject | Subj |
Subpoena | Subp |
Summary | Summ |
Supreme | Suprm |
Termination | Term |
Vehicle | Vhcle |
Vendor | Vdr |
Worksheet | Wksht |