New Receipts can be entered by going the the Receipts Register Page or by selecting New Receipt on the Invoice Register, Receipts Register or Accounting and Finance home page.
- Under invoicing select new receipt. If this button is not visible ask an administrator to adjust your permissions.
2. Fill in the fields as required. Required fields are indicated by the star*
Account where the monies are to be deposited - the default account can be set by going to settings > appliance settings > finance > receipts > default receipt account
Received for must be a client in WOL
Received from is who the money is from (this name is usually the same as the client above, but does not have to be)
Funds - select your form of funds
> If cheque is selected make sure the account is set to undeposited funds
Receipt # will auto fill, but can be manually edited by selecting the pen symbol
Date the monies are received
3. Once the Received for field is selected, a list of all the outstanding invoices will appear in the bottom section.
If you have a large amount of invoice options, you can search through them by pressing CTRL + F and typing keywords or numbers.
Double clicking on an invoice line will make the full amount of the receipt appear in the applied column.
Note: You cannot tick the box on the left hand side on an invoice line, unless the receipted amount is equal to or greater than the invoice line. I.e. if a discounted amount is paid double click on the line or manually enter in the amount applied by typing in the far right box.
4. Make sure the unapplied amount is $0.00 before continuing.
Once you have saved the receipt a confirmation message will appear
Note: the receipt must be confirmed before it will appear in your external accounting system.
5. Select the receipt number from the above creation message, ensure you check all details thoroughly before confirming. Once you are ready to confirm, you can do so by pressing the orange confirm receipt button.
6. In the receipts register, multiple receipts can be confirmed simultaneously by ticking the appropriate invoice lines and selecting bulk actions > confirm receipts.