For information on how to create invoices in Bulk, please click here.
Once you have created your Bulk Invoices, you will receive a green success message at the top of your screen if all have been successful.
Click on the blue 'Invoice Register' button or navigate to your Invoice Register manually.
You will then be able to see all the invoices you have created in draft status.
You can either open each invoice manually to confirm them or you can select multiple with the tickbox at the side.
Once you have selected these invoices, click on the Bulk Actions at the bottom and choose 'Confirm Invoices'.
For more information about the confirming and finalisation of invoices, please go to the normal invoicing pages here.
Once the invoices are confirmed, you can repeat the steps above to select the relevant invoices and then select Print Invoices from the Bulk Actions list.
You will have the option to choose a particular Invoice Template to be used for all the invoices to be printed before selecting Print.
This will print your invoices into a folder in the backend for you to send out rather than printing each invoices individually.
You will get a message at the top of the screen when they are in progress and then another when it has successfully printed all of the invoices.
The more invoices you are doing at once, the longer this will take.
Locations of Printed Invoices
There are several locations that you can then view your prepared invoices. These are only available for a limited amount of time (approx 1 day by default) so that your database is not cluttered up.
You can always reprint by following the steps above.
Option 2: Download as ZIP File
Naming Conventions
The 3 available naming conventions for invoices are available under the Appliance Settings > Finance > Bulk Invoice Name Format.
Option 1: View PDFs
If you click on the link in the pop up that says 'Click here to view PDFs', it will take you to a Temporary Downloads page for that set of Downloads.
This can also be accessed by going into the Tools and Settings Cog and choosing 'Temporary Downloads'.
Clicking on the blue hyperlink of the file will download the invoices as a PDF to Download preference (this is based on your computer configuration and is not controlled by the OWL)
Option 2: Download as ZIP File
Clicking on the blue hyperlink that says 'Zip file' will download the invoices into a .Zip file to your Download preference (this is based on your computer configuration and is not controlled by the OWL)
You can then unzip your invoices and use them as required.
Option 3: View in Backend
From here, open up a Windows Explorer screen on your computer and navigate to your Documents Back End (See Documents help for this)
Your invoices will be printed to PDF in the Temporary Downloads file in a folder with your name.
These Invoices will be available for you to drag onto emails or to do with as you need to.