Release Notes for Version 3.8.0
Please read the following notes about this Wise Owl release carefully before installing it.
Mini-update for NSW Trust Accounting compliance.
New Features
- Add File Type filter to Document Register.
- Add Receipt / Adjustment Note filter to Receipt Register.
- Allow sorting on Contact field on Invoice Register.
- Added Document Preview to Template Register.
- Added Ticked On Bank Deposit field for Form of Funds - to improve Trust Deposit Slips.
- Add support to use a duplicate Trust Cheque number via confirmation.
Other Changes
- Add button to Document Upload page to reset to defaults.
- When setting Document Status to Final, the Reason field will auto-fill.
- When making a User Inactive, it also makes the Invoice Professional Fees Item inactive.
- Warning shown on Invoice Items that the User should be enabled / disabled rather than the Professional Fees Item.
- Improve validation of ABN / ACN fields.
- When importing from Doc Packs, errors now record which spreadsheet they are from.
- Copy Matter Name to Abbreviated Name when Creating a New Matter.
- Improve links between Matter Type and Doc Group.
- Merged Matter Quick Search fields into one (previous had separate Matter and Contact fields).
- Added hover text to Trust Receipt Received On date field, as per NSW Law Society request.
- Fix crash when showing a Trust Transfer Reversal page.
- Move Appliance Settings for EFT bank details to be next to Electronic Payment setting as these should be both activated together.
- Trust Cash Receipts - add Transaction Date field
- Trust Cash Payments - add EFT details and Signatories.
- Trust Statement - add additional EFT and Receipt fields. Add additional details about Matter Transfers.
- Trust Matter Transfer - add fields to show Reversal / Reversed transactions.
- Add new End of Month Trust Trial Balance report which shows the reconciled Cashbook Balance, as per NSW Law Society requirement.
Bugs Fixed
- Fix excessive whitespace on custom fields multi-line fields.
- Fix excessive whitespace on Time Billing Notes fields on Firefox.
- Fix error if changing a Document's Matter and a document with the name name exists for the new matter.
- Fix validation error for New Document from Template and setting multiple templates / contacts.
- Fix typing shortcuts were not working in some multiline text fields.
- Fix error when importing a Doc Pack and spreadsheet tries to delete the Zip file.
- Fix calculator fields were not triggering the "on change" event; which can cause data to be missed in some cases.
- Fix Trust Transfer Signatory field is not required (it really is required).
- Fix SAI searches do not work when multiple SAI Search Manager tabs are open.
- Fix Pay Now Disbursements are not marked as paid as soon as posted. Can cause problems receipting money due to "unpaid" disbursements.
- Fix potential error if you reset your password to blank or all spaces.
- Fix minor bugs for Trust Transit Out.
- Fix Doc Templates Select Fields page can give an error when generating sample data with an empty database, or if you enter a wrong matter number.
- Fix bug when changing a Matter's Type and there are custom fields attached to a Doc Group.
- Require a cheque number on Trust Payments; was previously allowing this and using the next automatic cheque number.
- Fix Doc Template merge fields were case sensitive; should not matter whether you use all caps or not.
- Fix a bug where a non-client contact against an Invoice prevented the invoice from posting to accounting system.
Manual Changes Required for Installation
- None