This page lists various technical details of your web browser and appliance. It is a useful feature for assisting troubleshooting and monitoring the capacity and health of your appliance.
Under “Your Browser’ you are informed of your browser type and type of computer you are accessing Wise Owl Legal from. It provides you with information of how much of your local storage has been used as a percentage. You have the ability to clear storage by clicking the clear storage button.
Appliance shows the IP addresses, the Url which was used to access Wise Owl. Furthermore, information regarded how much memory has been used is represented in both GB and percentage format with the amount remaining also being shown. The Disks section indicates how much of each disk has been utilized and how much is remaining.
Clicking the red test error handling report will generate an error code within 10 seconds. This should only be used if instructed by Wise Owl Staff.
The Appliance Cache loads frequently used data into a high speed cache. Sometimes the cache may need to be cleared to ensure data consistency. To do so, simply click the light blue clear appliance caches towards the end of the page.
There are three tabs at the bottom of the page called Browser, Appliance Web Server and Database. Clicking on each individual tab will provide more detailed information.