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QLD Conveyancing - Lexon

Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate NameGroup
13/07/2018BR0011. Initial Contact Letter - Buyer (REIQ).docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0022. Buyer checklist residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0033. Buyer File Note Residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0044. Buyer Letter Residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR004a4a. Buyer Questionnaire Residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR004b4b. Buyer to do list residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR004c4c. Buyer Booklet Residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR004d4d. Buyer contract and property report residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR004e4e. Buyer searches list residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0055. Buyer searches worksheet residential.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0066. Extension LetterBR006.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0077. Final letter (Residential Buyer).docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018BR0088. Searches List - Links to SearchesBR008.docxLexon Buyer Residential
13/07/2018SR0011. Initial Contact Letter - Seller (Residential - REIQ).docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0022. Seller Checklist Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0033. Seller File Note Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0044. Seller Letter Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR004a4a. Seller Questionnaire Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR004b4b. Seller To Do List Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR004c4c. Seller Booklet Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR004dGC4d. Seller Contract and Property Report Residential(GCCC).docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR004d4d. Seller Contract and Property Report Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR004e4e. Seller Searches List Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0055. Seller Searches Worksheet Residential.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0066. Extension LetterSR006.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0077. Final letter (Residential Seller).docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018SR0088. Searches List - Links to SearchesSR008.docxLexon Seller Residential
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS0011. Initial Contact Letter - Buyer (generic)BOTP-CTS001.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS0022. Buyer Letter Off-the-Plan (CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS002a2a. Buyer Questionnaire Off-the-Plan (CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS002b2b. Buyer To Do List Off-the-Plan (CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS002c2c. Buyer Booklet Off the Plan (CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS002d2d. Buyer Contract and Property Report Off-the-Plan (CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS002e12e. Buyer Searches List  - CommercialCTS.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS002e22e. Buyer Searches List - Off-the-Plan CTS.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS0033. Extension LetterBOTP-CTS003.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-CTS0044. Searches List - Links to SearchesBOTP-CTS004.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N0011. Initial Contact Letter - Buyer (generic)BOTP-N001.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N0022. Buyer Letter Off-the-Plan Vacant Land (Non-CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N002a2a. Buyer Questionnaire Off-the-Plan vacant land (Non-CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N002b2b. Buyer To Do List Off-the-Plan Vacant Land (Non-CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N002c2c. Buyer Booklet Off-the-plan vacant land (Non-CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N002d2d. Buyer Contract and Property Report - Off-the-Plan vacant land (Non-CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N002e12e. Buyer Searches List  - CommercialNCTS.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N002e22e. Buyer Searches List - Off-the-Plan Vacant Land (Non-CTS).docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N0033. Extension LetterBOTP-N003.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BOTP-N0044. Searches List - Links to SearchesBOTP-N004.docxLexon Buyer Off the Plan Non-CTS
13/07/2018BCOMM0011. Initial Contact Letter - Buyer (generic)BCOMM001.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM0022. Buyer Letter Commercial.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM002a2a. Buyer Questionnaire Commercial.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM002b2b. Buyer To Do List Commercial.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM002c2c. Buyer Booklet Commercial.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM002d2d. Buyer Contract and Property Report Commercial.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM002e12e. Buyer Searches List  - Commercial.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM0033. Extension LetterBCOMM003.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018BCOMM0044. Searches List - Links to SearchesBCOMM004.docxLexon Buyer Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM0011. Initial Contact Letter - Seller (generic).docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM0022. Seller Letter Commercial.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM002a2a. Seller Questionnaire Commercial.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM002b2b. Seller To Do List Commercial.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM002c2c. Seller Booklet Commercial.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM002dGC2d. Seller Contract and Property Report Commercial(GCCC).docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM002d2d. Seller Contract and Property Report Commercial.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM002e2e. Seller Searches List Commercial.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM0033. Extension LetterSCOMM003.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018SCOMM0044. Searches List - Links to SearchesSCOMM004.docxLexon Seller Commercial
13/07/2018DEV0011. Checklist - Community Titles Scheme Development.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV0022. Initial Letter CTS Developer.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV002a2a. CTS Developer Questionnaire.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV002b2b. To Do List CTS (Developer).docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV002c2c. To Do List CTS (BC Manager).docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV002d2d. To Do List CTS (Surveyor).docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV002e2e. CTS Development Booklet.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV002f2f. CTS Developer Contract Report.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV0033. Checklist - Off the plan.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV0044. Development sale schedule.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV0055. Extension LetterDEV005.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV0066. Settlement Schedule.docxLexon Developer
13/07/2018DEV0077. Searches List - Links to SearchesDEV007.docxLexon Developer

QLD Criminal

Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate Name
28/06/2018QCRIM001Form 01 - General form of application to a court.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM002Form 01 - Recognisance to be of good behaviour and appear for sentence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM003Form 1 - Appearance Notice - Application for registration of corresponding control order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM004Form 02 - Application for bail in the Supreme Court.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM005Form 02 - Warrant to apprehend offender for contravention of recognisance.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM006Form 2 - Notice to Attorney-General of application.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM007Form 03 - Application for bail in the court before which the indictment was presented.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM008Form 3 - Notice of application to registrar.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM009Form 03 - Recognisance to appear for sentence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM010Form 04 - Application for variation of bail.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM011Form 04 - Notice calling on an offender released on a recognisance to appear at a time and place to be sentenced by the court.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM012Form 05 - Application by surety for discharge.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM013Form 05 - Warrant to apprehend offender for failing to appear under conditions of recognisance.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM014Form 06 - Application for revocation (or variation) of bail by prosecutor.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM015Form 06 - Recognisance - conviction on indictment.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM016Form 07 - Notice to surety under Bail Act 1980, s30.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM017Form 07 - Warrant imprisonment an offender until a recognisance is entered into.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM018Form 08 - Notice to defendant under Bail Act 1980, s30.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM019Form 08 - Recognisance - summary conviction.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM020Form 09 - Application for a direction or ruling.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM021Form 09 - Recognisance to appear for sentence and keep the peace and be of good behaviour.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM022Form 10 - Application to transmit summary charge to the Supreme or District Court.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM023Form 10 - Order for restitution or compensation.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM024Form 11 - Affidavit of Justification.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM025Form 11 - Application to the court for an extension of time of an order under section 35(1).docx
28/06/2018QCRIM026Form 12 - General form of order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM027Form 12 - Notice of failure to comply with an order under section 35.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM028Form 13 - Warrant to apprehend offender for failing to to appear by direction or when called.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM029Form 13 - Application for leave to present information.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM030Form 14 - Order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM031Form 14 - Security by prosecutor.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM032Form 15 - Notice of right to apply for a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM033Form 15 - Summons to appear to information (to be indorsed on copy for service) - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM034Form 16 - Application for a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM035Form 16 - Notice of prosecutor's address to be indorsed on information.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM036Form 17 - Notice of trial.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM037Form 17 - Notice to offender of your failure to pay a court ordered penalty and of your ability to apply for a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM038Form 18 - Notice to attend for sentence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM039Form 18 - Request by Clerk of the Court for information, notification or report.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM040Form 19 - Notice of hearing of application for a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM041Form 19 - Warrant to arrest accused person who does not attend to receive sentence on judgment by default - COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM042Form 20 - Bench warrant _ COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM043Form 20 - Notice of refusal to approve fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM044Form 21 - Fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM045Form 21 - Subpoena to attend court - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM046Form 22 - Subpoena to produce a document to the Proper Officer of the Court - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM047Form 22 - Application for extension of the period of performance of fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM048Form 23 - Notice to be served with form 21 subpoena.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM049Form 23 - Notice requiring appearance before the court for failure to comply with a requirement of a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM050Form 24 - Notice to be served with form 22 subpoena.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM051Form 24 - Notice to court of outcome of failure to comply with a requirement of fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM052Form 25 - Judges certificate - COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM053Form 25 - Notice to offender of revocation of fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM054Form 26 - Notice of court of revocation of fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM055Form 26 - Notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal against conviction or sentence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM056Form 27 - Application for revocation of fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM057Form 27 - Notice-of-application-for-leave-to-appeal-under-the-District-Court-Act-1967,-s-118-version-4-commence-on-4-June-2001.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM058Form 28 - Notice of application for revocation of fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM059Form 28 - Notice-of-application-for-extension-of-time-within-which-to-appeal.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM060Form 29 - Notice of application for extension of time within which to file notice of application for leave.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM061Form 29 - Notice to court of revocation of fine option order and subsequent action.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM062Form 30 - Certificate by Department of Corrective Services - Fine Option Order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM063Form 30 - Notice of abandonment of appeal or application.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM064Form 31 - Notice of abandonment of application.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM065Form 31 - Notice of appeal against refusal by Clerk of the Court to grant fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM066Form 32 - Notice of hearing of appeal against refusal by the Clerk of the Court to grant a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM067Form 32 - Notice of order staying execution of order quashing conviction under section 672(1) - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM068Form 33 - Notice of order for detention or admission to bail pending appeal to High Court under section 672(2) REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM069Form 33 - Probation order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM070Form 34 - Notice-of-Attorney-Generals-appeal-against-sentence-version-2 - ATT GENERAL.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM071Form 34 - Schedule of multiple community based orders.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM072Form 35 - Community service order COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM073Form 35 - Notice-of-Attorney-Generals-reference-under-section-669A-version-2 - ATT GENERAL.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM074Form 36 - Intensive correction order COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM075Form 36 - Notice to appellant of judge's decision under section - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM076Form 37 - Notice of amendmentrevocation of community based order COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM077Form 37 - Notice of application for rehearing by Court of Appeal under section 671L.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM078Form 38 - Application for amendmentrevocation of a community based order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM079Form 38 - Application for leave to adduce evidence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM080Form 39 - Notice of application for amendmentrevocation of community based order COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM081Form 39 - Order to witness to attend court for examination - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM082Form 40 - Notice of result of contravention of a community based order  COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM083Form 40 - Order to witness to attend before examiner for examination - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM084Form 41 - Registrar's certificate of expenses - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM085Form 41 - Warrant of commitment where punishment is by imprisonment COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM086Form 42 - Order to general manager of a prison after dismissal of appeal to take appellant on bail into custody - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM087Form 42 - Warrant of imprisonment for re-offending during suspended imprisonment SHERIFF.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM088Form 43 - Advice to Corrective Services Commission of presentence custody COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM089Form 43 - Order to general manager of prison after High Court reverses order of Court of Appeal quashing a conviction - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM090Form 44 - Application to Corrective Services Commission of amendment to presentence custody COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM091Form 44 - Verdict and judgment record - REGISTRAR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM092Form 45 - Affidavit of service.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM093Form 45 - Application to the court for a declaration as to time held in presentence custody.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM094Form 46 - Application for indefinite sentence CROWN.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM095Form 46 - Certificate under section 408D(3) - COURT.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM096Form 47 - Consent of the Attorney-General to make application for an indefinite sentence ATTN GEN.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM097Form 48 - Application by Director of Prosecutions for review of indefinite sentence PROSECUTOR.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM098Form 49 - Application by offender to review indefinite sentence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM099Form 50 - Application to Community Corrections Board for release to a re-integration program.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM100Form 51 - Application to Community Corrections Board for discharge from re-integration program.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM101Form 52 - Request by registrar for reports.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM102Form 53 - Notice of appeal by Attorney-General to the Court of Appeal.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM103Form 54 - Application by the prosecution that an offender be further dealt with for the offence according to law.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM104Form 55 - Notice to offender on failure to pay a penalty.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM105Form 56 - Warrant to apprehend offender in the first instance or on failure to appear when notified by the court.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM106Form 57 - Order for disqualification of driver's licence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM107Form 58 - Application to re-open criminal proceedings.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM108Form 59 - Outstanding offences against offender.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM109Form 60 - Passport order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM110Form 61 - Warrant of arrest and imprisonment for non-payment of penalty.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM111Form 62 - Warrant of commitment for an offence committed during the operational period of suspended imprisonment.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM112Form 63 - Warrant of imprisonment for contravention of intensive correction order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM113Form 64 - Non-contact Order .docx
28/06/2018QCRIM114Form 65 - Application to amendrevoke a non-contact.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM115Form 66 - AmendmentRevocation of non-contact order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM116Form 67 - Presentence custody certificate.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM117Form 68 - Order for commitment of offender where punishment is by imprisonment.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM118Form 69 - Order for commitment of offender for re-offending during suspended imprisonment.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM119Form 70 - Recognisance to appear for sentence of an offence relating to property KMc.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM120Form 71 - Recognisance to keep the peace and be of good behaviour.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM121Form 73 - Court ordered parole reporting notice.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM122Form 74A Banning Order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM123Form 75 Application for amendmentrevocation of a banning order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM124Form 76 Order to amend a banning order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM125Form 77 Order to revoke a banning order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM126Form 78 - Serious drug offence certificate.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM127Form 79 - Graffiti removal order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM128Form 80 - Appn by Director of Public Prosec QPS for an order that previous offences were DV offences.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM129Form 81 - Order of court that a previous offence is a domestic violence offence.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM130Form 1024 - Notice to stop contravening a requirement of a fine option order.docx
28/06/2018QCRIM131Charge List.docx

QLD Wills & Estates Administration (WEA)

Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate Name
16/05/2018WEA001Form 5 Transmission Application (Land Titles).docx
16/05/2018WEA002Form 6 Transmission Application for Registration as Devisee (Land Titles).docx
16/05/2018WEA003Form 008 - Notice of Address for Service.docx
16/05/2018WEA004Form 17 Request to Dispense (Land Titles).docx
16/05/2018WEA005Form 047 - Certificate of exhibit (version 2).docx
16/05/2018WEA006Form 100 - Probate title.docx
16/05/2018WEA007Form 101 - Application for probate (will).docx
16/05/2018WEA008Form 102 - Application for letters (intestacy).docx
16/05/2018WEA009Form 103 - Notice of intention to apply for grant.docx
16/05/2018WEA010Form 104 - Affidavit of publication.docx
16/05/2018WEA011Form 105 - Affidavit (probate application) - version 4.docx
16/05/2018WEA012Form 106 - Affidavit (letters of admin. with will) - version 4.docx
16/05/2018WEA013Form 107 - Affidavit of due execution of willcodicil - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEA014Form 108 - Affidavit of handwriting - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEA015Form 109 - Affidavit (letters of admin. on intestacy) (version 4).docx
16/05/2018WEA016Form 110 - Affidavit (undated will) - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEA017Form 111 - Affidavit of plight - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEA018Form 112 - Application for reseal.docx
16/05/2018WEA019Form 113 - Affidavit (reseal).docx
16/05/2018WEA020Form 114 - Renunciation.docx
16/05/2018WEA021Form 115 - Renunciation (intestacy).docx
16/05/2018WEA022Form 120 - Affidavit of scripts.docx
16/05/2018WEA023Form 121 - Grant.docx
16/05/2018WEA024Form 122 - Exemplification.docx
16/05/2018WEA025Form 123 - Exemplification (intestacy).docx
16/05/2018WEA026Form 124 - Request for issue of citation.docx
16/05/2018WEA027Form 125 - Citation to take probate.docx
16/05/2018WEA028Form 126 - Citation to apply for administration.docx
16/05/2018WEA029Form 46 - Affidavit.docx

QLD Wills & Estates Litigation (WEL)

Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate Name
16/05/2018WEL001Form 005 - Originating Application.docx
16/05/2018WEL002Form 008 - Notice of Address for Service.docx
16/05/2018WEL003Form 009 - Application.docx
16/05/2018WEL004Form 013 - Consent of litigation guardian.docx
16/05/2018WEL005Form 46 - Affidavit.docx
16/05/2018WEL006Form 047 - Certificate of exhibit (version 2).docx
16/05/2018WEL007Form 058 - Judgement or order (UCPR).docx
16/05/2018WEL008Form 059 - Order.docx
16/05/2018WEL009Form 059a - Request for consent order of registrar (version 2).docx
16/05/2018WEL010Form 060 - Application for costs assessment (version 1).docx
16/05/2018WEL011Form 060a - Costs statement.docx
16/05/2018WEL012Form 061 - Notice of objection.docx
16/05/2018WEL013Form 062 - Cost assessor's certificate.docx
16/05/2018WEL014Form 063 - Application for approval as a costs assessor.docx
16/05/2018WEL015Form 103 - Notice of intention to apply for grant.docx
16/05/2018WEL016Form 104 - Affidavit of publication.docx
16/05/2018WEL017Form 105 - Affidavit (probate application) - version 4.docx
16/05/2018WEL018Form 106 - Affidavit (letters of admin. with will) - version 4.docx
16/05/2018WEL019Form 107 - Affidavit of due execution of willcodicil - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEL020Form 108 - Affidavit of handwriting - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEL021Form 109 - Affidavit (letters of admin. on intestacy) (version 4).docx
16/05/2018WEL022Form 110 - Affidavit (undated will) - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEL023Form 111 - Affidavit of plight - version 2.docx
16/05/2018WEL024Form 112 - Application for reseal.docx
16/05/2018WEL025Form 113 - Affidavit (reseal).docx
16/05/2018WEL026Form 114 - Renunciation.docx
16/05/2018WEL027Form 115 - Renunciation (intestacy).docx
16/05/2018WEL028Form 116 - Caveat.docx
16/05/2018WEL029Form 117 - Notice to caveator.docx
16/05/2018WEL030Form 118 - Notice in support of caveat.docx
16/05/2018WEL031Form 119 - Notice of withdrawal of caveat (version 2).docx
16/05/2018WEL032Form 120 - Affidavit of scripts.docx
16/05/2018WEL033Form 121 - Grant.docx
16/05/2018WEL034Form 122 - Exemplification.docx
16/05/2018WEL035Form 123 - Exemplification (intestacy).docx
16/05/2018WEL036Form 124 - Request for issue of citation.docx
16/05/2018WEL037Form 125 - Citation to take probate.docx
16/05/2018WEL038Form 126 - Citation to apply for administration.docx

Family - Family Court of Australia (FCA)

Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate Name
1/06/2018FAM002Case information.docx
1/06/2018FAM003Consent - Division 12A of the Family Law Act.docx
1/06/2018FAM005Credit card payment form.docx
1/06/2018FAM006Natural Disaster Replacement Document Request.docx
1/06/2018FAM007Notice of change of name.docx
1/06/2018FAM008Notice of Discontinuance.docx
1/06/2018FAM009Notice of Intervention by Person Entitled to Intervene.docx
1/06/2018FAM010Notice of objection to a hearing proceeding in the absence of the parties.docx
1/06/2018FAM011Publications Order Form.docx
1/06/2018FAM012Questionnaire - Financial.docx
1/06/2018FAM013Questionnaire - Parenting.docx
1/06/2018FAM014Request for a procedural hearing.docx
1/06/2018FAM015Request for File Inspection.docx
1/06/2018FAM016Request to attend by electronic communication.docx
1/06/2018FAM017Undertaking as to disclosure.docx
1/06/2018FAM019Affidavit for producing document under subpoena.docx
1/06/2018FAM020Affidavit Non-Filing of Family Dispute Resolution Certificate.docx
1/06/2018FAM021Affidavit of proof of signature.docx
1/06/2018FAM022Affidavit of Service by Hand (Divorce).docx
1/06/2018FAM023Affidavit of Service by Post (Divorce).docx
1/06/2018FAM024Affidavit of Service.docx
1/06/2018FAM025Affidavit of single expert witness.docx
1/06/2018FAM026Affidavit Proving Signature (Divorce).docx
1/06/2018FAM027Affidavit Translation of Marriage Certificate.docx
1/06/2018FAM029Application in an Appeal.docx
1/06/2018FAM030Notice of Appeal (Child Support).docx
1/06/2018FAM031Notice of Appeal.docx
1/06/2018FAM032Response to an Application in an Appeal.docx
1/06/2018FAM033Application - Contempt.docx
1/06/2018FAM034Application - Contravention.docx
1/06/2018FAM035Application for Consent Orders - proposed orders template.docx
1/06/2018FAM036Application for Consent Orders (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM037Application for Divorce Kit (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM038Application for sealed copy of orders.docx
1/06/2018FAM039Application in a Case.docx
1/06/2018FAM041Initiating Application (form).docx
1/06/2018FAM042Initiating Application Kit (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM043Application in Arbitration 0416V1.docx
1/06/2018FAM044Form6 Application in arbitration Reg67D.docx
1/06/2018FAM045Form7 Application relating to property or financial arbitration Reg67E.docx
1/06/2018FAM046Form8 Application to register arbitration award Reg67Q.docx
1/06/2018FAM047Form9 Application to register decree Affecting Registered Arbitration Award Reg67T.docx
1/06/2018FAM048Response to an Application in an arbitration 0416V1.docx
1/06/2018FAM049Bankruptcy - Application for Summons to examine relevant person.docx
1/06/2018FAM050Bankruptcy - Application in a Case.docx
1/06/2018FAM051Bankruptcy - Application.docx
1/06/2018FAM052Bankruptcy - Apprehension Warrant.docx
1/06/2018FAM053Bankruptcy - Arrest Warrant.docx
1/06/2018FAM054Bankruptcy - Notice for grounds of Opposition - Application.docx
1/06/2018FAM055Bankruptcy - Notice of Appearance.docx
1/06/2018FAM056Bankruptcy - Notice to Creditors of annulment application.docx
1/06/2018FAM057Bankruptcy - Search Warrant 010905.docx
1/06/2018FAM058Bankruptcy - Summons for Examination.docx
1/06/2018FAM059Annexure to Proposed Consent Parenting Order.docx
1/06/2018FAM060Application for Consent Orders (form).docx
1/06/2018FAM061Application for Consent Orders Kit - financial orders legislation (other than child maintenance) for de facto couples.docx
1/06/2018FAM062Application for Consent Orders Kit - financial orders legislation (other than child maintenance) for married couples.docx
1/06/2018FAM063Application for Consent Orders kit - parenting orders legislation.docx
1/06/2018FAM064Acknowledgment of Service (Divorce).docx
1/06/2018FAM065Application for Divorce - Attachment for Additional children.docx
1/06/2018FAM066Counselling certificate for applicants married less than 2 years.docx
1/06/2018FAM067Divorce Service Kit (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM068Response to Divorce.docx
1/06/2018FAM069Enforcement Warrant - Seizure & Sale of Property.docx
1/06/2018FAM070Third Party Debt Notice.docx
1/06/2018FAM071Warrant of arrest.docx
1/06/2018FAM072Warrant of commitment.docx
1/06/2018FAM073Acknowledgment - Information from a Family Counsellor or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.docx
1/06/2018FAM074Document to be filed pursuant to Rule 24.01(1)(h) of the Family Law Rules.docx
1/06/2018FAM075Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence or Risk of Family Violence.docx
1/06/2018FAM076Application for exemption from fees - financial hardship (family law).docx
1/06/2018FAM077Application for exemption from fees - general (family law).docx
1/06/2018FAM078Application for reduction of payment of divorce or decree of nullity - financial hardship.docx
1/06/2018FAM079Application for reduction of payment of divorce or decree of nullity - general.docx
1/06/2018FAM080Payment of court fees - Request for deferral.docx
1/06/2018FAM081Payment of court fees - Request for refund.docx
1/06/2018FAM082Balance Sheet.docx
1/06/2018FAM083Financial Statement (form).docx
1/06/2018FAM084Financial Statement Kit (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM085Itemised costs account.docx
1/06/2018FAM086Notice Disputing Itemised Costs Account.docx
1/06/2018FAM087Notice of payment into Court.docx
1/06/2018FAM088Superannuation Information Kit.docx
1/06/2018FAM089Notice of Address for Service.docx
1/06/2018FAM090Notice of Ceasing to Act.docx
1/06/2018FAM091Reply 0313V1.docx
1/06/2018FAM092Response to an Application in a Case.docx
1/06/2018FAM093Response to initiating application (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM094Response to initiating application.docx
1/06/2018FAM095Acknowledgment of Service.docx
1/06/2018FAM096Service Kit (do it yourself kit).docx
1/06/2018FAM097Notice of Request to Inspect - Arbitration.docx
1/06/2018FAM098Notice of Request to Inspect.docx
1/06/2018FAM099Subpoena FCoA 0116V3.docx
1/06/2018FAM100Subpoena in an Arbitration.docx

Family - Federal Circuit Court (FCC)

Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate Name
11/05/2018FCC001Acknowledgement - Information from a Family Counsellor or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.docx
11/05/2018FCC005Affidavit (0313V1a).docx
11/05/2018FCC009Affidavit of Service.docx
11/05/2018FCC011Application - Contravention.docx
11/05/2018FCC012Application - Draft Consent Parenting Orders and Allegations of Abuse or Family Violence.docx
11/05/2018FCC013Application for Exemption from Fees (Financial).docx
11/05/2018FCC017Application for Review.docx
11/05/2018FCC019Application in a Case.docx
11/05/2018FCC020Application in an Appeal.docx
11/05/2018FCC021Balance Sheet.docx
11/05/2018FCC022Counselling Certificate for Applicants Married for Less than 2 Years.docx
11/05/2018FCC024Credit Card Payment Form.docx
11/05/2018FCC025Divorce Service Kit.docx
11/05/2018FCC026Enforcement Warrant.docx
11/05/2018FCC027Financial Statement Form.docx
11/05/2018FCC028Financial Statement Kit.docx
11/05/2018FCC029Initiating Application (Family Law).docx
11/05/2018FCC032Notice of Address for Service.docx
11/05/2018FCC033Notice of Discontinuance.docx
11/05/2018FCC035Notice of Request to Inspect.docx
11/05/2018FCC036Notice of Risk.docx
11/05/2018FCC037Notice of Withdrawal as Lawyer.docx
11/05/2018FCC038Notice to Admit Facts.docx
11/05/2018FCC040Request for Deferral of Court Fees.docx
11/05/2018FCC041Request for File Inspection.docx
11/05/2018FCC042Request for Refund of Court Fees.docx
11/05/2018FCC044Response to Divorce.docx
11/05/2018FCC047Superannuation Kit.docx
11/05/2018FCC049Third Party Debt Notice.docx
11/05/2018FCC050A Guideline for Family Law Courts and Childrens Contact Services.docx
11/05/2018FCC051Affidavit of Service (General).docx
11/05/2018FCC052Commonwealth Courts Portal.docx
11/05/2018FCC053Enterprise Agreement 2011-2014.docx
11/05/2018FCC054Publications Order Form.docx
11/05/2018FCC055Fact Sheet 1st Court Event.docx
11/05/2018FCC056Fact Sheet Addressing a Judge.docx
11/05/2018FCC057Fact Sheet Family Law.docx
11/05/2018FCC058Form 29 - Submitting Notice.docx
11/05/2018FCC059Guide to using the Commonwealth Court Portal.docx
11/05/2018FCC060Parenting Orders.docx
11/05/2018FCC061Service Charter.docx
11/05/2018FCC062Service Commitments.docx
11/05/2018FCC063Subpoena Requesting.docx
11/05/2018FCC064Subpoena Served.docx
11/05/2018FCC065Use of Technology.docx
11/05/2018FCC066Application for Divorce - Attachment for Additional Children.docx
11/05/2018FCC067External Clients Order Form.docx


Last UpdatedTemplate CodeTemplate Name
25/05/2018CIVLN001UCPR (NSW) Form 1_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN002UCPR (NSW) Form 2_v3 (Defendant).docx
25/05/2018CIVLN003UCPR (NSW) Form 2_v3 (Plaintiff).docx
25/05/2018CIVLN004UCPR (NSW) Form 3A_v7.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN005UCPR (NSW) Form 3B_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN006UCPR (NSW) Form 4A_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN007UCPR (NSW) Form 4B_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN008UCPR (NSW) Form 5_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN009UCPR (NSW) Form 6A.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN010UCPR (NSW) Form 6B.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN011UCPR (NSW) Form 7A_v5.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN012UCPR (NSW) Form 7B_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN013UCPR (NSW) Form 8_v5.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN014UCPR (NSW) Form 9_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN015UCPR (NSW) Form 10_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN016UCPR (NSW) Form 11_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN017UCPR (NSW) Form 12_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN018UCPR (NSW) Form 13_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN019UCPR (NSW) Form 14_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN020UCPR (NSW) Form 15_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN021UCPR (NSW) Form 16_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN022UCPR (NSW) Form 17_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN023UCPR (NSW) Form 18_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN024UCPR (NSW) Form 19_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN025UCPR (NSW) Form 20_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN026UCPR (NSW) Form 21_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN027UCPR (NSW) Form 22_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN028UCPR (NSW) Form 23A_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN029UCPR (NSW) Form 23B_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN030UCPR (NSW) Form 24_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN031UCPR (NSW) Form 26A_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN032UCPR (NSW) Form 27A_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN033UCPR (NSW) Form 29_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN034UCPR (NSW) Form 30_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN035UCPR (NSW) Form 31_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN036UCPR (NSW) Form 32_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN037UCPR (NSW) Form 33_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN038UCPR (NSW) Form 34_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN039UCPR (NSW) Form 35_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN040UCPR (NSW) Form 36_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN041UCPR (NSW) Form 36A_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN042UCPR (NSW) Form 37_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN043UCPR (NSW) Form 38_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN044UCPR (NSW) Form 39_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN045UCPR (NSW) Form 40_v5.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN046UCPR (NSW) Form 41_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN047UCPR (NSW) Form 42_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN048UCPR (NSW) Form 43_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN049UCPR (NSW) Form 44_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN050UCPR (NSW) Form 45_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN051UCPR (NSW) Form 46_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN052UCPR (NSW) Form 47_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN053UCPR (NSW) Form 48_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN054UCPR (NSW) Form 49_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN055UCPR (NSW) Form 51_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN056UCPR (NSW) Form 52_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN057UCPR (NSW) Form 53_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN058UCPR (NSW) Form 54_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN059UCPR (NSW) Form 55_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN060UCPR (NSW) Form 56_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN061UCPR (NSW) Form 57_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN062UCPR (NSW) Form 58_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN063UCPR (NSW) Form 59_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN064UCPR (NSW) Form 60_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN065UCPR (NSW) Form 61_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN066UCPR (NSW) Form 62_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN067UCPR (NSW) Form 63_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN068UCPR (NSW) Form 64_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN069UCPR (NSW) Form 65_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN070UCPR (NSW) Form 66_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN071UCPR (NSW) Form 67_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN072UCPR (NSW) Form 68_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN073UCPR (NSW) Form 69_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN074UCPR (NSW) Form 70_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN075UCPR (NSW) Form 71_v5.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN076UCPR (NSW) Form 71B_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN077UCPR (NSW) Form 72_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN078UCPR (NSW) Form 73_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN079UCPR (NSW) Form 74_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN080UCPR (NSW) Form 75_v4.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN081UCPR (NSW) Form 76_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN082UCPR (NSW) Form 77_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN083UCPR (NSW) Form 78_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN084UCPR (NSW) Form 79_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN085UCPR (NSW) Form 80_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN086UCPR (NSW) Form 81_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN087UCPR (NSW) Form 82_v3 (Appellant).docx
25/05/2018CIVLN088UCPR (NSW) Form 82_v3 (Respondent).docx
25/05/2018CIVLN089UCPR (NSW) Form 83_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN090UCPR (NSW) Form 84_v6.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN091UCPR (NSW) Form 85_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN092UCPR (NSW) Form 91_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN093UCPR (NSW) Form 92_v1.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN094UCPR (NSW) Form 101_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN095UCPR (NSW) Form 102_v3 (Appellant).docx
25/05/2018CIVLN096UCPR (NSW) Form 102_v3 (Respondent).docx
25/05/2018CIVLN097UCPR (NSW) Form 103_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN098UCPR (NSW) Form 104_v5.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN099UCPR (NSW) Form 105_v7.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN100UCPR (NSW) Form 106_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN101UCPR (NSW) Form 107_v3.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN102UCPR (NSW) Form 115_v2.docx
25/05/2018CIVLN103UCPR (NSW) Form 160.docx
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