To create a new contact select the contact icon, teal ID card, from the top menu bar.
From the contact page, select the 'New Contact' button.
The quickest and easier way to create a contact is to tab through the text fields, entering all the available information.
Not only does the contacts section of the module serve as a complete contacts and client database, but can also be used for the firm’s marketing purposes.
Once in the create contact screen, fill in the details as appropriate.
Fields with an * are required for a contact to be successfully created.
Once the first drop box is selected, either individual or company, additional fields will appear.
The 'Known As' field is useful for individuals or companies who may wish to be addressed under a different name.
Contact Types
Client: Any company or individual who employs the services of the business
The basic cycle involving clients is as follows:
Other Law Firm: Any law firm separate from the organisation
Other Party: Any other contact type, including employees and the Australian Taxation Office
Supplier: Any company or individual who supplies the business with goods or services
Contact Details
Contacts may have multiple addresses, including Mailing Address, Billing Address and Home Address.
For additional address select the 'New Address' button.
Click 'Select' and a drop down menu will appear. Select the appropriate address type.
Similarly, additional phone numbers and email addresses may be added depending on the contacts' requirements. This is done in the same way as adding an address.
To delete any unnecessary fields such as an address, phone number or email address select the red cross next to the field.
Field positions can also be customised to suit individual contacts. To move a field upwards or downwards select the blue arrows to the right of the field. This customisation is useful for indicating the primary, secondary and so forth methods of communication with a contact.
Additional Details
Similar to the name section, the field in additional details will vary depending in the contact is an individual or a company.
For an individual the additional details section has the following fields:
For a company the additional details section has the following fields:
NOTE: For quick data entry to open the 'Additional Details' fields tab onto the title and press Enter. Continue to tab through the fields as before.
For a company the 'Key Contact' can be selected from an already existing contact or can be created at this time by clicking on the blue plus arrow beside this field. The 'New Contact' page will appear as a new browser tab.
POA - Power of Attorney
ABN - Australian Business Number
TFN - Tax File Number
ACN - Australian Company Number