What Report do I use to get figures for Qld Law Society (QLS) Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) Questionaire?

What Report do I use to get figures for Qld Law Society (QLS) Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) Questionaire?


Click here to see how to run report by percentage

Dollars Recorded, Invoiced and Received

On the Report page, choose the Finance heading and underneath Productivity there is a report called “Billing and Collection Summary”.

Set your dates to 1 January and 31 December in the year required.

This report will give you a list of hours and dollars recorded and invoiced and dollars received for the time period selected.

The figure required for the QLS Professional Indemnity Insurance Questionnaire will be the Total of the “$ Ex GST Invoices column”.


Areas of Practice by Percentage

To get a split of the areas of practice by percentage, you will need to run another report from the Reports > Finance > Productivity section called “Billing by Type Law % Table w Type Law Name”

Set your date parameters to 1 January and 31 December in the year required.


This will give you a report for the time period selected showing the percentage of billings by type of law by month. It will total each type of law at the start of the table and these can be used when filling in your QLS Professional Indemnity Insurance Questionnaire.



You can also use the Billing Summary By Type of Law to list the matter numbers and invoice numbers if you need further information on the results above.
Reports > Finance > Billing