Release Notes

Release Notes for Version

Important: This is an internal testing release. You should not install it on your Wise Owl Appliance unless specifically directed by Wise Owl staff.

Please read the following notes about this Wise Owl release carefully before installing it.


Basic Reporting and basic Data Imports

New Features

  • Basic Reporting functionality

  • Basic Data Import functionality via Excel upload

Bugs Fixed

  • TODO

Other Changes

  • TODO

Manual Changes Required for Installation

  • Increase the httpRuntime maxRequestLength to 10240kB in web.config

  • Create another namedCache in web.config -> system.runtime.caching/memoryCache/namedCaches called ReportParameterStore

  • Create a folder for storing file uploads and set the Import Landing Ground Folder in Site Settings.

  • Install Crystal Reports Runtime (64 bit)

  • Create ODBC DSNs for reporting

  • Map C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client to a virtual folder in the web site
