A - Z of Document Management

Please see a list of links below to Help Pages and Videos about the Wise Owl Documents module.

These links will enable you to get the most out of your Documents Module and allow you to progress as your own pace.


Overview of the Documents Register - https://help.wiseowllegal.com.au/display/WOH/Documents+-+Register

How to Upload Documents to the OWL https://help.wiseowllegal.com.au/display/WOH/Document+-+Upload


How to Allocate Documents to Matters https://help.wiseowllegal.com.au/display/WOH/Document+-+Allocate+Documents


Documents Module - How to create a new document from a template




Overview of Document Templates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STVMBTRmiC4&feature=youtu.be

Documents Module Overview of the Back End https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-6ebmkSgIc&feature=youtu.be

User Group Video regarding Documents and the Outlook Helper (45 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TJL6tZWcrQ&feature=youtu.be


Accessing Documents via the Back End

How can I access my Documents back end?

How do I map a network drive for my Documents back end?

Backing up the Documents

How to Back Up your Documents