How To update the Water Tier Rates

How To update the Water Tier Rates

Each year, the Water Tiers used in the Settlement Calculator will change. When this happens, you can update the rates by uploading an updated Water Entity sheet.

To view current Water Rates

Go to Accounting and Finance > Items > General List Definitions


From here, click on Other Lists and then Water Entities.


This will give you a list of the current water rates tables in your system. Click on the name to get the current list of rates for that Entity.

To update the Water Rates

To update the next year’s water rates into the system, you should use the water entities spreadsheet. This is available to download here.

To download the spreadsheet, click on it and then press the download button on the top right hand side of the screen to save it onto your computer. From here, you can edit it in Microsoft Excel.

If you have previously uploaded water entities, you should use the spreadsheet that you had from last time and add in additional lines for the current year.

For a completed Example copy of the Water Entities spreadsheet - see this spreadsheet

When using the Water Entities spreadsheet, please take note of the following

  • Please fill in your own data anywhere that there is yellow highlights

  • Each Council should be listed as it’s own water entity

  • We recommend that on the WaterEntity and WaterUsage sheets, you include the Year in the name so that you know if it has been updated

  • To generate a unique ID, you can use a generator like https://guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx

  • On the WaterUsage sheet, the PropertyType needs to be either Residential or Commercial

  • Enter each Tier on a line below the first as was done in the example

  • For new years tiers, simply create a new water entity and water usage information for that year. You can mark the old water entity for that year as inactive if not being used.

  • Any prevous year entities no longer in use can be marked as ‘N' in the 'IsActive’ column


Once you have updated the spreadsheet, it can be uploaded through Settings > Data Import as an Excel file type.