Report - List

Wise Owl Legal is constantly updating and improving their reports for maximum functionality.       

The Reports are able to be accessed via the Reporting Module on the Top Navigation Bar on all Wise Owl Pages.



Reports are split up into various sections to allow ease of search and access. In Wise Owl          Legal, these sections are marked by different ribbons as seen below:


Within these ribbons (Level 1), reports are further categorised under different subsections (Level 2). E.g. Finance Reports (Level 1) > WIP Reports (Level 2)


Customer Report Requests are usually able to be accommodated and are a Fee for Service basis (unless it is covered under your support contract)


The List of Reports we currently have available is extensive and can be accessed at any time by going to the Reports page.


Please note: The Customer Statement shows ONLY receipts in the receipt column. Everything else is in the invoice column e.g. Adjustment notes


To further assist users in making searches and access to reports more convenient, Wise Owl Legal now have two additional functions that allows the user to:


  • Favourite a report; and

  • Search all reports


Favourite a Report

 This function is personalised and allows the user to group the reports which are most often used and accessed under one category – the Favourite Ribbon. This can be achieved through the following steps:

  1. Select the Reporting Module (printer icon) at the Top Bar

  2. Find the report you would like to favourite

  3. Click on the “Add Favourite” button


  4. Select the “Favourites” tab, and your report should be listed under there

Search a Report

 Due to the wide range of reports available in Wise Owl Legal, there is a search function which makes the process of looking for the most suitable report quicker.

  1. Select the Reporting Module (printer icon)

  2. Select the “All (with filter)” tab

  3. Start typing in the report you are looking for. The search begins immediately after you start typing into the field

  4. Select the report that you would like to access

To download reports, such as the trust bank reconciliation, your computer will prompt you to install Crystal Print Control.  

Select install. 


List of Current Reports

Level 1 (Ribbons)

Level 2




Document List

Document Template List



Billing Summary

Billing Summary By Status

Billing Summary By Type Of Law

Billing Summary With Matter Name

Customer Statement - General

Draft Bill List

Draft Bill List By FE

Draft Bill List By Type Law

General Receipt List (for Deposit)

Invoice Number Register

Open Invoices By Client

Open Invoices By Number


Client Ledger

Client List

Client List With Matters

Client Summary

Client Summary by Assigned FE

Finance Transaction Listing


Client Disbursements

Client Disbursements With Audit Details

Unbilled Disb by Client & Matter

Unbilled Disb by Client & Matter With User Detail

Unbilled Disb By Supplier


Bank List

Disbursement Item List

Invoice Item List

Typing Shortcut List


Billing by Status & Type Law Table

Billing by Type Law % Table

Billing by Type Law % Table w Type Law Name

Billing by Type Law & Status Table

Collection Summary - Monthly

Collection Summary - Weekly

Non-Billed Time Detail by Matter by FE

Time Detail by FE by Matter

Time Detail by FE by Matter by Client

Time Detail by Matter by FE

Time Detail Daily

Time Detail Tables

Time Detail Tables w Graphs.rpt

Trust Transfer List

Invoices for Trust Transfer


WIP Detail

WIP Summ Portrait (no Trust)

WIP Summary

WIP Summary by Responsible Lawyer

WIP Summary Portrait (no trust)



Matter Archive Report

Matters to Close


Matter Type List

Matter List

File Open Statistics

Matter List by Archive Number

Matter List by Destruction Date

Matter List with Statistics

Matters By Contact

Trust Reports


Matter Change Log

Trust Matter Overdrawn

Trust Matter Overdrawn - Landscape

End of Month

Trust Bank Reconciliation

Trust Cash Receipts by Date Detail

Trust Matter Ledger - EOM

Trust Payments by Date Detail

Trust Trial Balance


Trust Balance Listing (as at today)

Trust Bank Transfers

Trust Cash Receipts by Date

Trust Deposit Listing

Trust Listing Alpha

Trust Matter Ledger

Trust Matter Transfers

Trust Payments by Date

Trust Stale Balance

Trust Statement

Trust Statement - Letter

Trust Statement - No Logo

Trust Statement - Receipt & Payment Cols

Trust Statement - Times New Roman

Trust Statement - Times New Roman 2 Col

Trust Statement - Times New Roman Ltr

Trust Statement - Times New Roman Ltr 2

Trust Statement - Times New Roman Ltr Excl Zero

Trust Transfer Transactions