Invoice - Bulk Create

Invoice - Bulk Create

To Bulk Create invoices, follow the steps below. For Bulk Printing of Invoices, please click here

Step 1: Select the drop down on the New Invoice button on the Invoice Register and choose Bulk Create.

Bulk Invoicing is a setting controlled per user. If you can't see this option, please contact the Wise Owl HelpDesk to have them update your permissions. If your Wise Owl guru is able to update your permissions, please request that they do so.


Clicking the Bulk Create option will take you to a page that allows you to search for available matters to bill.


Step 2: Use the Parameters to update your preferences for this Bulk Billing run and then press Search.

The date range is the most important filter as the Bulk Billing run will only bill items from the Between date and today.

If you have accidentally entered records as future dates, please change them before billing.

Step 3: Tick the matters that you would like to bill and check the Total (Excl GST) matches to what you would expect.

Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and type in 'BULK' to the Confirm Action box. Then select the Bulk Create Invoices button.

You will be redirected back to the Invoice Register where it will give you the message that it is creating the Bulk Invoices.

The time it takes to create your invoices will be based on the number you have chosen to create and the complexity of the entries for those invoices.

Once your invoices have been created, you will get a green success message at the top of the screen.

If there were any errors in creating your invoices, the invoices will not be created and the message will alert you to this.

Step 5: Go back to the Invoice Register and search for Invoices dated today that are in draft status.

This will list the invoices that have been created. From here, you can check each one before confirming and sending out.