How to drag and drop emails into Wise Owl

How to drag and drop emails into Wise Owl

If you are using Outlook, we have the Outlook Helper Add In that can assist with saving emails out of your Outlook and into Wise Owl. If you don’t want to use this Add In, or if you are using a different email program, you can still get your emails into Wise Owl using the Drag and Drop option.


To do this, you will need to have your email program, such as Outlook, open and your Wise Owl database open to the documents area.

Navigate to Documents > Upload new documents




On this page, it will show multiple options - More on these options at Document - Upload

To get your emails in, it is recommended that you at least set a matter and an Auto Save option for the emails you are dragging in. You can put more information in before dragging in emails OR you can adjust the details of the documents metadata later if you want to add other information.

The Autosave Attachments option is important if your email has attachments that you want saved into Wise Owl, you have the choice to import them under this setting.


Once you are happy with your settings, then you select the email in your Outlook (or select multiple emails at once) and use your mouse cursor to drag it across into the ‘Upload Your Documents Here’ box on Wise Owl.

You will get a progress bar while the emails are being uploaded and then once done, they will say they are successful.


From here, you can use these emails the same way you would if you had uploaded them via the Outlook Helper. For more on Documents, please see A - Z of Document Management