Release Notes
Release Notes for Version
Please read the following notes about this Wise Owl release carefully before installing it.
Trust Bulk Transfer to General Function
New Features
Added Trust Bulk Transfer to General page. Accessible in Finance module or Trust Register -> Transfer drop down. Now allows Bulk Trust Transfers to accompany the Trust Transfer ReportÂ
Trust Payment and Receipts involved in Transfers show a button to re-print the Trust to General Transfer report.
Added button on Invoices to manually close, even if payment not made in full (though, the recommended way to write value off an invoice is to issue an adjustment note)Â Allows for the business to close invoices manually as required
Added informational messages about outstanding data and transactions when closing a matter. Messages are similar to ones shown when archiving a matter, but are informational rather than validation errors. Informs clerks on outstanding data when closing files
Added system setting to allow the default Contact Address Type to be configurable. Can now set the default address in settings
Added a Billable / Not-Billable filter against the Time Register page. Can now search between Billable/Non billable time entriesÂ
Added warning message on Receipt page when certain forms of funds are selected and the account is not undeposited funds. Gives hints to users to choose correct bank account for cheques
Added system setting to require Receipt dates to be within a certain number of days of the invoice date. Removes possibility of receipt being recorded before invoice
Added function to re-sort invoice lines to default order. Can still manually change invoice line order via the up and down buttons next to line items. Allows invoice to be resorted after new lines have been added
Added Contact Legal Name field. Creates a new field for Legal Names of entities
Receipts can be auto applied to invoices based on a system setting.Â
Added search by Invoice Number field to New Receipt page. New search by invoice field on Receipts fills Primary Client from invoice to search
Added filter by Invoice vs Adjustment type to Invoice Register. And $ Owed as a new column. Allows for easier searches between Invoices & Adjustments Notes. Shows amount left owing on invoices.
Added reminder message on Invoice Register showing number of Draft and Approved invoices outstanding.
Bugs Fixed
Fix General Receipt printed report can sometimes duplicate line items.Â
Fix errors running Matter List, Matters by Client and File Open Statistics reports Reports now run without errors
Fix Customer Statement report includes data for other clients / matters when client or matter filter used. Report only shows client or matter selected in search
Fix occasionally needing to double click the Submit button on Time data entry. Ensures only one click required for Submitting time entries
Fix error which prevented Users to be posted to Reckon as employees by truncating the Other Names field to a single character when copying to Middle Name in Reckon.Â
Fix possibility the unapplied adjustment note message is shown on the Adjustment Note page when it is not possible to apply that adjustment note. Will not get message about unapplied adjustment notes unless adjustment note exists
Fix poor validation error message shown on Invoice Item page when a duplicate Linked User is created.Â
Fix linked user was visible on invoice items when non-professional fees category was used. Selecting a linked user can cause an error for non-fee categories.Â
Fix creating a matter with duplicate contacts causes a database error. Warning now appears if duplicate contacts added to matters
Fix able to issue an invoice against an Archived matter. Archived matters no longer appear to invoice
Fix able to set the Due Date on create now Disbursements via calendar button (field is read only). Ensure cannot set Due Date on Pay now Disbursements
Fix able to set a date on a read-only date field via keyboard shortcuts. Ensure date only available for non read-only fields
Fix billing summary, collection summary and fee summary reports to exclude Adjustment Notes.Â
Fixed matter opening balances only showed on Trust Statement / Trust Matter Ledger reports if there were records matched in the period selected. Reports now show correct totals
Fix unable to enter Fixed Fee amounts with fractional decimal places (required to correctly enter some tax inclusive amounts, eg $60 inc must be entered as $54.5454 ex).
Fix bug which caused Fixed Fee records to be occasionally entered with zero amount. Can now edit Fixed Fees with no issue
Fix possibility of adding duplicate clients to Matters either on the New Matter page or the main Edit Matter page. Warning now appears if duplicate client added
Fix records can be double billed from the New Invoice page (must have two tabs open for this to have happened). Reduces chance of billing an entry twice
Fix invoice reports can truncate description fields to 500 characters (current maximum is 1000). Ensures Time entries will not be truncated
Fix invoices can show up to 4 decimal places in totals, now round to two decimal places for consistency with reports. Reduces likelihood of $0.01 variances
Fix warning message on Delete Invoice confirmation box not shown.Â
Removed non-functional "New Timer" and "New Document" buttons from Launch Pad page against "Your Matters". Removed buttons that are related to upcoming modules
Fix Data Import audit events can cause an unexpected error when viewed to saved to Excel. Improves accuracy of downloading audit trails
Fix Adjustment Note amounts are incorrectly included on the Invoice Register total columns.Â
Other Changes
Allow creating an receipt as Confirmed or Draft. Shortens process of entry of Receipts
Show warning at the top of the Receipt Register if draft receipts are present. Reminds user to confirm draft receipts
Zero value invoices are automatically closed after posting to External Accounting System Removes possibility of open zero dollar invoices
Allow editing Matter Destroy date
When checking for outstanding time against an invoice, only billable records are considered. Time records entered against a Non-Billable Task code are no longer considered. Improves functionality in product when searching for outstanding timeÂ
Fix wording of "Save Adjustment Note" button at top of page to be "Apply Adjustment Note", which is consistent with button at bottom of page. Ensures same terminology usedÂ
Change default account for Bank Deposit List report to show the first undeposited funds account instead of the default receipt account. Default deposit account will be Undeposited funds
Finance Summary tab on Matters now separates unconfirmed and confirmed invoices into a separate line. This is to be consistent with what can be receipted against.Â
When matter status changes, web browsers now refresh their cache. So that Closed / Archived matters do not continue to appear in drop down lists.
Fix wording of Country of Incorporation for company Contacts.Â
Receipt audit logs now include External ID field (Reckon primary keys).Â
Reckon Accounts qwc file template now requires unattended access for new data files.Â
Moved Typing Shortcuts to their own page with filters, as there were so many. Allows users to easily add and search shortcuts
Update Crystal Reports Runtime to current version (old version was, new version See for full details of changes.
Add Created Date and User Created to Disbursement page. Allows for audit of data to be performed easier
Include all Draft Disbursements on the New Matter page (these were previously flagged as Ineligible, which was why they were not shown). Now Draft disbursements appear so they do not get lost
Allow deleting Time, Fixed Fee, Disbursement or Recovery records if the invoice they are billed to is deleted. Can now remove old records which are not necessary to keep if invoice deleted
Added buttons to confirm Adjustment Notes when created from Invoice or Receipt Registers.
Added list of Invoices and Adjustment Note is applied to on the Invoice Page.
Changed Invoice Number and Matter Number on Receipt page to be links to Invoices and Matters.
Add link to Wise Owl User Manual to bottom of every page, Welcome page, Contact Us page and Reports List page. Provides an easy link to find the up to date User Manual
Add a message to Reckon if an Adjustment Note based error occurs due to the Adjustment Note already been applied manually in Reckon.
Moving report queries out of Crystal Report files into Wise Owl database to improve performance, and reliability of reports. Below report migrated now, others to follow as required:
Finance Transaction Listing
Matter List
Matters by Client
Invoices for Trust Transfer
File Open Statistics
Client Ledger
Customer Statement
Trust Matter Ledger
Trust Trial Balance
Reports added:
Trust Statement (using Times New Roman font)
Trust Statement (using Times New Roman font for Letter paper)
Trust Statement Receipt & Payment Cols
Matter Archive Report - a combination of Client Ledger, Customer Statement and Trust Matter Ledger - for a single matter
Billing Summary By Type Of Law
Billing Summary List w Matter Name
Draft Bills List
Draft Bills List By FE
Draft Bills List By Type of Law
Non-Billed Time Detail by Matter by FE
Billing by Status & Type Law Table
Billing by Type Law % Table
Billing by Type Law & Status Table
Billing by Type Law % Table w Type Law Name
Fees By Type of Law (3 levels of detail, variations for weekly and monthly date grouping)
Trust to General Transfer
All Client Activity (similar to PC Law Client Ledger report)
Open Invoices by Client Name
Reports changed:
Billing Summary
Billing Summary One Status
Cash Payments
Client Disb Report
Client Ledger
Collection Summary - now sorts correctly
File Open Statistics
Finance Transaction listing - now can be filtered by fee earner
General Receipt - now has Responsible Fee Earner listed
General Receipt List for Deposit
Open Invoices by Invoice Number
Test Report
Time and Fees reports - added client name
Time Detail by FE by Matt by Client
Time Detail by FE by Matt
Time Detail Daily
Trust Balance Listing
Trust Cash Receipts by Date
Trust Receipt
Trust Receipt - 3 Page
Trust Stale Balance
Trust Statement
Trust Trial Balance
Trust Trial Balance Alpha
WIP Detail
Trust Statement reports - now have Responsible Fee Earner listed
Manual Changes Required for Installation